Daughter Of The Seeress

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Daughter of the Seeress


Girls being raised by the Seeress. These girls were taken from their birth mother by the Seeress and are rumored to be born with prophetic ability. It is unknown how many Daughters the Seeress may have, but it is speculated she may have as many as five of varying ages. The Seeress (whom the Daughters refer to as "Mother") may send them out as messengers to deliver prophecies or various other errands.

Upon the death of the Seeress, one of her daughters inherits her powers and becomes the next Seeress. How a daughter is chosen to succeed the Seeress and how she inherits her powers is unknown.

Some Daughters of the Seeress reach their mid 20’s while their mother is still alive. These women leave the Seeress and, like their younger siblings who do not succeed the Seeress when she dies, often become oracles, sages, hermits or traveling prophets.

Like the Seeress, they are either incapable, or forbidden of having children of their own. Thus, there are no confirmed instances where a person was truly a child of a Daughter of the Seeress.

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